Today we will be highlighting some of our newer print resources on the dynamic field of law that has arisen from election day conflicts and issues. Often, legal conflicts concerning the parameters of election contests arise even before a vote is cast. The right to vote, and what that means and entails, is an important topic that is debated frequently in this legal field. We have many resources in our collection, in print and digital, that address this topic.
Here are two of our newer secondary sources on this burgeoning area of law:

Written by Gary May
The history of the Voting Rights Act, from the events leading to its conception to its present day fate, are discussed in this text.
Inside Bush v. Gore (2013)
Written by Charley Wells
Written by the former Chief Justice of the Florida Supreme Court, this book is a historical account from the author’s perspective of the vote recount in Florida after the 2000 Presidential election.
Election Day is next week! If you're registered and able, remember to vote on November 5th.
This is the last post in our series about election law. Check back next month for our series on a new topic.
In the meantime, keep calm and read on.