Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Library Hours for Fall 2011 Final Exams
Library services (Circulation, Reference & Technical Services) will not be available during the extended hours, although a security guard will be on duty. Students using the library after midnight must sign in and out at the security desk.
The library (with the exception of the Circulation Desk, Reference Office, and enclosed study rooms) becomes a “silent study” area during the final exams period.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Social Science Research Network (SSRN)
Whether you are conducting research for Law Review, your Advanced Legal Research requirement, or for a Professor, you will want to check SSRN for the most cutting edge research.
SSRN’s mission is “rapid worldwide dissemination of social science research.” SSRN contains the most current research papers; many of which have not yet been published in journals. Some of the disciplines covered by SSRN that may be of interest to our students include: accounting, economics & corporate goverance; cognitive science; social insurance; political science; and, of course, legal scholarship.
On SSRN you will find abtracts, working papers and downloadable PDFs of full-text articles. You can also add your own research paper to the network. SSRN’s elibrary is fully searchable or you can browse by topic and journal name.
Access to SSRN is free but you will be required to set up an account, entering your email as your username.
Also, check out SSRN’s iPhone/iPad app.
*Please see my previous blog posts.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Law School Survival Tips
Both Westlaw and Lexis have guides to law school survival as well as outlines for first year courses. The Westlaw guide is entitled “Law School Life” and the Lexis guide is called “Get a Head Start on Law School.” Westlaw provides Black Letter Outlines and Lexis has Area of Law Outlines.
The American Bar Association has also published an informative law school survival guide, “How to Survive the First Year of Law School.”
Finally, a Study Guide for 1L Courses is posted on our website. It provides links to all of the study aids and treatises for 1L courses that are available at Gould Law Library.
We wish you the best of luck and much success in law school and your legal careers!
Friday, July 8, 2011
Bar Exam Study Aids
Acing the Bar Exam: A Checklist Approach to Taking the Bar Exam by Suzanne Darrow-Kleinhaus
Strategies & Tactics for the Finz Multistate Method by Steven R. Finz
MBE Survival Kit by Jeff Adachi with Solomon Wollack
Emanuel Confidential for the MBE: For Your Final Preparation by Steven L. Emanuel
Scoring High on Bar Exam Essays by Mary Campbell Gallagher
Scoring High On Bar Exam Essays (videorecording) by Mary Campbell Gallagher & Co., Inc.
Multistate Performance Test (MPT): Core Concepts and Key Questions by T. Leigh Hearn
Emanuel Multistate Performance Test Review: Rigos Bar Review Series
Pieper Multistate Exam Book by J. Gardiner Pieper
Pass the Bar by Denise Riebe and Michael Hunter Schwartz
Multistate Bar Exam Review by James J Rigos
Strategies & Tactics for the MBE by Kimm Alayne Walton and Steven Emanuel
Main Collection:
The Bar Exam in a Nutshell by Suzanne Darrow-Kleinhaus
The Essential Rules for Bar Exam Success by Steven Friedland
The Zen of Passing the Bar Exam by Chad Noreuil
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Bar Exam Study Hall Hours
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Apps for Legal Research & Bar Exam Prep
Legal Research and Reference Apps:
Black’ Law Dictionary
U.S. Government Apps
New York Law Apps
Bar Review and Law School Exam Study Aid Apps:
Sum & Substance
MBE Timer
For a more comprehensive list of apps, including ones for Android, Blackberry and Palm, see the following:
Mobile Apps for Law ($49.99, special introductory rate of $25) is a directory of legal research and utility apps for all mobile devices.
The University of Akron Law School’s LibGuide, Mobile Apps for Law Students, features legal apps for iPhone/iPad and Android, as well as eBooks.
UCLA Law School’s LibGuide, Mobile Applications for Law Students and Lawyers, features legal and nonlegal apps for all mobile devices. It is very comprehensive and frequently updated.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Library Hours for Spring 2011 Final Exams
Students using the library after midnight must sign in and out at the security desk. Library services will not be available during the extended hours or overnight period, although a security guard will be on duty.
Also, the entire Library (except the Circulation Desk, the Reference Office, and enclosed study rooms) will become a "Silent Study" area during this time period in order to maximize quiet study space.
The Library Staff would like to offer their support and best wishes to our students!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
National Library Week at Gould Law Library
Q: When did you start working at Gould Law Library?
A: May 25th, 2005
Q: Describe what the library was like when Touro Law Center was located in Huntington.
A: Prior to our move to Central Islip in January of 2007, Touro Law School was located at 300 Nassau Road in Huntington, N.Y. The law school was situated between Nassau Road and Woodhull Road in the former Toaz Intermediate School built in the 1930s. The northwest wing included the main entrance, reception, cafeteria, classrooms, bookstore and offices. The auditorium was located in the southwest corner of the school. The library occupied the east wing. The library consisted of two floors.
The first floor included the main reading room, the reserve room & reserve materials, the main collection, the reference offices & collection, technical service, a “New York Room” containing the New York materials collection, an adjoining “International Room” containing the international collection, and rooms 109 & 110 which contained the periodicals and printers.
On the second floor of the library were the state materials and statutes, the Judaica collection, 3 study rooms, a study “wing” (located in the bridge between the 2nd floor of the library and the school) which contained individual carrel desks, and the computer lab.
Q: When was the move & how difficult was it?
A: The move took place at the end of the fall semester of 2006. A company specializing in transporting library collections came in and moved our collection into the new building. As with all moves, it took some adjustment. We now had more room and needed to rearrange, straighten, & shift the collection to fit within the new stack space.
Q: How is the library different in Central Islip? What are the improvements?
A: We now have a larger, more state-of-the-art facility. It is because of this that we are able to consolidate our collection, accommodate students with more study space, soft-seating areas and study rooms (14 rooms, as opposed to three in the old building), as well as two larger computer labs including a SmartLab with state-of-the-art technology. Our Judaica collection is kept in a larger room with display cases and additional study space. The rare books collection also has its own room with separate air and temperature controls, display cases and study tables.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Passover Exhibit
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Check Out Sum and Substance CDs

Fastcase also has another innovative tool, available from the list view, called Forecite. Forecite identifies additional decisions that may be relevant for your issue, even if your search terms do not retrieve them. Forecite performs an integrated citation analysis on cases retrieved in your search result, locating additional cases that are frequently cited by these retrieved cases, and then suggests those additional cases to you. Further, Fastcase’s Authority Check provides a list of later cases that cite the retrieved cases.
Finally, you can also download Fastcase’s free legal research app for iPhone (or iPad), which won the American Association of Law Library’s (AALL) 2010 Best New Product of the of Year Award.
For more information about using Fastcase (and to see the Interactive Timeline in action), check out the tutorials at:
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Digital Commons
Remember, items are being uploaded every day, so please visit the DC early and often!
You don’t want to be the last one to know what has been posted on the DC!!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Loislaw also has two useful and innovative tools, GlobalCite and LawWatch. GlobalCite allows you to pull all of the citations out of a case or brief and read or print those cases and statutes. It also allows you to sort by document type or jurisdiction. All of the citations are hyperlinked to the full document at no cost, even if the documents are outside the subscription plan. GlobalCite also allows you to see all of the cases, statutes, and treatises that cite to the case that you are viewing. LawWatch allows you to save your research trail. You can choose simply to save it or you can have LawWatch continue to run that search automatically.
For a more detailed explanation of Loislaw, check out their tutorial at:
Next month I will detail Fastcase, another legal research database available at Gould Law Library.
Friday, January 21, 2011
HeinOnline's YouTube Channel
A database many law students are already acquainted with is HeinOnline. HeinOnline contains a tremendous assortment of law journals, government documents and historical legal documents. It is a great resource for legal research and analysis, as well as for compiling legislative histories. I recently discovered HeinOnline’s Channel on YouTube,
Both beginners and experts will appreciate this website. Visitors can view more than 30 “how to” videos that will help them navigate HeinOnline and utilize all of the resources this database has to offer. For beginners, there are videos entitled “Quick Start Guide to HeinOnline” and “How to Find an Article in the Law Journal Library.” For advanced researchers there are videos entitled “Subject Compilations of State Laws” and “Cross-Library Searching for Legislative Histories.” This website also has videos detailing recent changes and enhancements to HeinOnline, such as, “Faceted Searching Available in the Law Journal Library” and “Browsing Legislative Histories by Public Law Number or Popular Name.”
Also, check out the HeinOnline wiki at, which includes quick reference guides, training videos and FAQs.
In the next installment of this series, I will be profiling Loislaw.